Meet The Designer

15 November 2018,   By ,   0 Comments

Meet Lindsay Hatherall… Lindsay Merchant

We’ve been busy grilling our designers lately to help you get to know them and their design style better! First up on the blog is Lindsay one of our Kitchen designers. You can read her interview below and see some lovely shots of her some of her projects in future posts, so stay tuned!

Let’s start off with some of the all-important personal details…

Do you have any pets?
Yes – a cheeky little border terrier named Stewie

What do you like to do to relax?
Long walks in the countryside when the sun is shining, or a glass of wine in the bath when it’s cold outside!

Where’s the most interesting place you’ve travelled to?
I’ve recently returned from my Honeymoon. We chose a Mediterranean cruise which gave us a great insight into lots of interesting places that we would love to return to and explore in more detail! Rome was truly amazing; I could have spent forever just looking at the architecture and meandering through the small winding streets.

What’s your favourite kind of music?
I love most types of music but I would these days you will find me listening to a selection of acoustic and rock tunes, mixed in with some guilty pleasures such as the Greatest Showman soundtrack!

What’s your favourite food?
Steak… as rare as possible! Although that’s a tough call as I equally get very excited about thai curry and pizza!

Lindsay has been in the interior design industry since leaving university in 2006 and has been focussed on kitchens for the last 9 years.

How did you get into design?
I’ve always loved art for as long as I can remember so chose to follow my dreams, starting with a BA (Hons) degree in Art & Design. This was then followed by a job at Ripples as their junior bathroom designer… this sparked my direction into interior design and the rest, as they say, is history!

What were you doing before you started designing?
I’ve had a few random part time positions in the past including Halfords & the West Midlands Safari Park!

What is your favourite thing about your job?
Meeting new clients makes my job very interesting and means it varies from day to day. I really enjoy seeing the project develop from concept to completion
Let’s get into your design style and process…

How would you describe your design style?
Contemporary with clean lines and a little element of surprise!

What can people expect when they come to you for a kitchen?
Usually I would encourage potential clients to visit the showroom first to see the products we offer and to have a casual chat about the project in general. This will then be followed by either a site visit or a meeting to discuss architects plans in more detail. I’ll aim to come up with a few potential designs that can work in the space along with an initial indication of price. We will then meet again at the showroom so I can talk through my ideas on the big screen.

A snapshot of Abigail Ahern’s dreamy insta squares!

What other designers inspire you?
I’m a fan of going ‘dark’ wherever possible! So I admire Abigail Ahern as she was really one of

the first interior designers to be brave enough to do this! I appreciate it’s not to everyone’s taste but I do think a step into the unknown can often give rewarding results.

Other than your clients’ requests and requirements, what else inspires your designs?
I often look through the latest editions of glossy home magazines to get inspiration and see what the latest trends coming through might be. Pinterest is also a great way to gather ideas and clever solutions.

What’s in your toolbox?
We have recently changed our computer design program to Winner Design which I am excited to get to grips with as the visuals look so realistic. I’m still a fan of good old fashioned notebook and pen, particularly coming from a hand-drawn design background, I still enjoy mapping my ideas out first.

What are your favourite products to work with and why?
Our German kitchens are a dream to design and sell. Our dedicated sales team in Germany are so thorough and double check our plans so everything arrives as it should, each item has its place like a jigsaw. Another favourite product is the Quooker boiling tap, it really is one luxury I believe every kitchen should have!

What are some of your favourite trends?
Currently, I am loving the dark navy and ochre yellow colour trends that are really coming through into all aspects of design. I enjoy a splash of gold here and there too!

What trends are you glad to see the back of?
Magnolia and brown! About 4/5 years ago this was all you could sell in kitchens so it’s nice that clients are becoming braver with colour choice and I think that greys are going to be around for a long while yet.

Are there any other ways you express your creativity?
I used to paint and sell large abstract canvases which I hope to return to one day. In the meantime, I’ve been enjoying decorating and accessorising our new home! I also make my own cards and write poetry for friends and family.